Most people don't pay much attention to product photography. When we see advertisements that feature "things" we sort of take them for granted. Everything that is professionally photographed these days is also professionally processed using image editing software. aBlogtoWatch takes a lot of watch pictures so we know some of the challenges and cheats that the pros use when they have a lot of tools at their disposal. One thing you may not know is that a lot of the time watches sent to pro photographers don't even have a crystal installed. Here is an interesting video that shows a time lapse process of a Rolex Daytona watch image being transformed into the beautiful type of image millions upon millions of people will see and admire. In this video, photographer Andreas J?rg shows us just how much skill and attention to detail is required to bring an already fantastic platinum Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona photo to perfection. It¡¯s unfortunate that this video omits the 1.5-hour shoot to get the raw image but it does speed up the reported 2 hours put into touching up the photo into a worthwhile 9 minute clip. J?rg is clearly no stranger to watch photography and many examples of his work can be seen on his website. Watches are notoriously difficult to photograph and it¡¯s fascinating to see just how much effort is required to create those ultra-polished images. One thing that this guy had was the luxury of time. Not only did he have the opportunity to set up a detailed shoot, but he had hours available to process the images after they were taken. We envy that for sure. While there are times when we give photoshoots some extra time, to a large degree much of the photography you'll see here on aBlogotoWatch and most other blogs for that matter is off-the-cuff, spontaneous, and on-the-go. So we take pride in what we are able to deliver. Though we can dream about having a team of guys like Andreas.
Come raggiungerci

N.B. Il Sirignano Wine Resort, seppur appartenente al comune di Monreale,  geograficamente è situato nell'estremo sud dell'agro del comune, più precisamente a 12 Km ad Alcamo, a cavallo tra le province di Palermo e Trapani.

Come raggiungerci

DA PALERMO (distanza 40 minuti).
Percorrere l’autostrada A29 direzione Mazara del Vallo e uscire a Gallitello (al Km 65).

Allo svincolo mantenere la destra e seguire inizialmente le indicazioni per Poggioreale – Salaparuta, proseguire dritto e alla fine del lungo rettilineo svoltare a sinistra in direzione Alcamo fino al Km 13.

Subito dopo sulla destra si troverà l’indicazione per Contrada Sirignano e a circa 800 m l’insegna per il Baglio.

Coordinate per il navigatore
Latitudine 37.8902216
Longitudine 12.9586577

Imboccare e percorrere l’autostrada A29 DIRAMAZIONE in direzione Palermo-Mazara del Vallo, superare lo svincolo per Segesta ed immettersi nell’autostrada A29, in direzione Mazara del Vallo; uscire allo svincolo di Gallitello (Km. 65,5). Da qui le indicazioni seguono come da Palermo.